EEI News

Energy Data Analytics

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You have made the sizable investment by installing in an Energy Management System but utilities costs and complaints are still persistent. Your facility folks are flat out and don’t have the time to address all the outstanding needs. We have developed a low cost system to identify, monitor and track BMS performance helping focus key resources on the critical needs. 

Design / Build Projects

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Design-build is a method of project delivery in which one entity - the design-build team - works under a single contract with the project owner to provide design and construction services. One entity, one contract, one unified flow of work from initial concept through completion.

What is Performance Contracting?

And How Can Your Business Benefit From It?

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Performance contracting is a time-tested tool used by local governments to increase energy efficiency, while guaranteeing energy savings are enough to cover the costs of the project. Contractors don’t get paid upfront; they get paid through real-world energy bill savings–giving both contractors and owners a built-in incentive to focus on projects yielding the biggest returns.